Sue & Noel Radford put daughter Katie's boyfriend under 'Millionaire Mansion' test to see if he's worthy of moving in

Sue & Noel Radford put daughter Katie's boyfriend under 'Millionaire Mansion' test to see if he's worthy of moving in

IN tonight's episode of 22 Kids & Counting, we saw 21-year-old Katie leave Sue and Noel with a huge decision to make.
In the Channel 5 show, we saw the youngster ask her parents if her long-term boyfriend, Connor, could move into their Morecambe mansion.

But with Sue and Noel both unsure, they decided to put him to the 'Millionaire Mansion' test.
It all started as Katie sat her parents down and asked: My nervous laugh always gives it away that I'm up to something. You know because Connor pretty much lives here anyway, basically, can Connor move in with us? Join the tribe.
But Sue wasn't sure, as she replied: I don't know.
Noel then chimed in: That's a big ask.
Attempting to reassure her parents, Katie confirmed: He has a job, he can pay his way.
But Noel still wasn't sold, as he asked: We all think the world of Connor, but what happens if you fall out with him?
I think it's really important that a family of this size, that everyone pulls their weight.
Sue then chimed in: And I don't know if Connor will do that? I'll have to think about it.
Following Katie's chat with Sue and Noel, Connor admitted: I'm just a bit worried if they say no, because it might mean they don't like me. I'm a bit scared.
But with a house that's already packed – Sue and Noel put Connor to the test, to see if he could prove that he would pull his weight if he were to move in.
Noe explained: I can't say that I'm overly keen on Connor moving in. There's enough going on as it is.
To which Sue chimed in: And he's a boy too Noel. Our boys are the worst for helping out.
As a result, Connor was set with some chores – emptying the bins, helping with the washing, and making beds.
Noel claimed: We'll set you tasks so hard, we'll break you.
With 22 people already living in the house, the family produces 400 kilograms of rubbish a week, so the bins need emptying at least four times a day.
Stunned at the amount of jobs to do, Connor admitted: There's a lot more chores than in a normal house.
Two weeks after Katie asked if Connor could move in, and he got stuck in with the family's chores, Sue and Noel sat the couple down to discuss their decision.
Noel explained: It's been a really difficult decision actuallyI don't know, it's a bit tricky to be honest.
Sue then chimed in: He's obviously been trying to prove that he can play a proper role in the house. But I'm still not sure. It's expensive having other people in the house.
But shortly after came the moment of truth. Sue and Noel sat down Katie and Connor to deliver the verdict.
Katie begged: I do really want Connor to move in. I think I'll be really upset if he can't.
To which Noel explained: Well, I know you really want to live together.
Sue then confirmed: We are at capacity, the house is bursting at the seams.
The mum-of-22 then beamed: You are pretty good with the vacuum, so all good.
But despite their initial concerns, Noel revealed: Everyone here needs to pull their weight. But you've been working really hard to prove yourself. We like you Connor, you can move in.
Thrilled at the decision Katie explained: I'm so happy Connor can move in with us all. One more won't harm.
Now that the decision had been made, Sue admitted: Connor really has proved himself.
Whilst Noel instructed: Go and get your stuff, move in, but please keep it tidy though.
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More >> Source: IN TREND TODAY
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