From Paris, with lust! Dina Broadhurst busted with toyboy lover who's barely older than her own SON... and it turns out he's quite the celebrity

From Paris, with lust! Dina Broadhurst busted with toyboy lover who's barely older than her own SON... and it turns out he's quite the celebrity
Few women have been the talk of Sydney's eastern suburbs like the so-called 'nude artist' Dina Broadhurst. Here's a recap for those new to the Dina soap opera... The 48-year-old beauty shocked high society by breaking up with appliances heir John 'Herman' Winning Jr in early December on the morning of the wedding of Bernadette Fahey and Jordan Sukkar. Then, just weeks later, she was pictured enjoying a topless, er, excursion at the beach with her toyboy ex Max Shepherd - who at the time was dating actress Vail Bloom.
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